lectures by
- Moe Satt
on performance art in Myanmar, Asia and Beyond Pressure
- Ieke Trinks
performance on performance, lecture on her work, Trickster and PAE
Performances by Moe Satt, Maung Day, Ma Ei and Mrat Lunn Htwann.
The atmosphere was open and intimate, playful and loaded with a subtile seriousness.
Through the performances the political situation in Myanmar got tangible.
The curious audience was invited to participate in every performance, which happened with great eagerness and surprising effects and reactions.
Each performance got different layers and directions.
The mingling of the States in Extrapool found ground.
performance- lecture by Ieke Trinks
lecture by Moe Satt, Myanmar
result of performances by Maung Day (text) and Moe Satt (drawing on text)
performance 'smile' Moe Satt
performance Ma Ei
performance by Mrat Lunn Htwann